Wednesday, April 27, 2011


     Catfish is a documentary that shows the dangers and problems that occur when we start new relationships over the internet. Nev's relationship with his pen-pal, Megan, shows us how we do not truly know who we are talking to until we meet them in person.
     Catfish proves the argument that we have been discussing the whole year, we cannot truly trust the people and information we see on the internet. Nev discovers that Megan, the woman he thought he was having a relationship with, is not real. She was created by Angela. Nev also finds out the the little girl Abby is also not who he thinks she is. Abby is a real girl, however she is not the artist that Angela made her out to be. Angela created the fake world and  sold it to Nev. Through creative computer work and art, Angela was able to convince Nev of this fake world.
     The movie Catfish shows how anything can be created over the internet. The internet allows us to create, change, and alter pictures. Angela does what many people now do on the internet, hide behind the computer. People are able to hide their true identities behind the computer. There is no way of truly knowing the other person until we see them in person.
     The movie also shows a problem that has occurred frequently on the internet. People stealing other peoples work. Angela takes the music of another artist and attempts to pass it off as the work of Megan. Although Nev catches on to this, many other people might not. Many sites allow for information and videos to be shared without the consent of the artist.
    Catfish shows how the internet can create false realities. Nev learns first hand how you cannot really know someone until you meet them in person.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Theft by Mr. Brainwash

     Exit through the Gift Shop is a movie that shows how the passion, talents, and message of many artists were robbed and exploited by one man who many trusted as their friend. This was the same man who had set out to show the world the talents and art that these young artist had created. Sadly, Terry Guetta, the man who exploited these artist while under the name Mr. Brainwash, did not understand the message and meaning that these artist were trying so show the public.
     Originally, Terry Guetta had set out to document the underground life of a street artist. Many street artist, including some more notorious ones such as Shepard Fairey and Banksy, took Guetta under their wing and gave and in depth look into the life of a street artist. The artist trusted Guetta and believed that he would one day be able to show the world the message and ideas that they had intended. The artist showed Guetta how to create street art and properly post the art around the city. After countless hours and nights of videotaping, many of the artist wondered when they would finally be able to see the work on tape. Eventually, they asked Guetta to create the documentary and show the world their work. What the artist did not know was that Terry Guetta did not know how to do this. When Guetta finally released the documentary, the artist were shocked at the footage.
     After watching the documentary, Banksy told Terry Guetta that he would work on the movie. In the mean time, Banksy told Guetta to work on his own street art. Banksy would eventually wish to take back these words.  Guetta took what he had learned from the artist and created his own street art, however there was something different about his street art. Guetta created his art by copying the format by other street artist. Eventually Guetta did something that was very rare for a street artist. He created a private gallery. He used his art to achieve great fame and wealth. This is the complete opposite goal for most street artist.
     The movie is sets out to show how one man, Terry Guetta, misunderstood the message and beliefs thats most street artist shared. What Banksy wanted to show in his documentary, was that street artist do not create their art for the fame or money. They create their art to share with the public their ideas or messages. This is what Terry Guetta failed to realize. He used and underground art to gain fame and fortune. He did not do it for the message. Guetta took the art of street art and made money off of it as well as selling out the other street artist. The message of th e movie seems to be that Terry Guetta took the messages of the street and put them in the homes of the wealthy, rendering the art meaningless.
     The work of Mr. Brainwash varies greatly from those of other street artist. Mr. Brainwash's art seems to revolve around him. His first forms of street art are pictures of himself. He posted the pictures throughout the city, even taking down the art of artist such as Shepard Fairey and putting his on in its place. Even at his own art show, Terry Guetta wanted the attention to be on him, rather than his art. While trying to set up his exhibit, Guetta was more focused and worried about his interview than his exhibit. At the exhibit, Guetta posed for every picture and savored the attention. These things seemed to really bother the other street artist because it it against what they stand for.
     Exit Through the Gift Shop shows how one man took the message of a group of artist and diluted it for his own personal gain. The movie was made to set straight was street art is really about and its true message. 

Current Grade

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Andrew Keen Questions

1.  Andrew Keen views Democratized media in a very negative light. He believes that this type of media and Web 2.0 are destroying our culture and hurting our youth. His main argument is that we do not know who is writing the information on the internet. It could be someone who is not well educated or informed on the subject, or it could be an individual with an agenda and is being paid to write something. Keen is also worried about disintermediated, where amateur artist, moviemakers, bloggers, and reviewers, take over for professionals in these fields. Examples of these include:
Rotten tomatoes


2.   Keen and Rushkoff share similar views about where the internet is going and how Web 2.0 is affecting us. Both agree that Web 2.0 is distancing ourselves for others around us. We are no longer talking to others and gathering informatin from those we talk to, but instead just reading opinions form the web from people we have never met before. Keen and Rushkoff differ in the fact that Keen seems to think that Web 2.0 will continue to have a drmatic and devestating effect on the economy. Keen shares the opposite opinion of Chris Anderson, who believes there are many opportuneities to make money off of Web 2.0 sites. Rushkoff is more concerned about how Web 2.0 is hurting our interactions with other humans.  Personally, I Rushkoff's arguments speak more to me because I can see it in my own life. My friends seem more content just staying in touch via messages on facebook rather than actually calling to talk to someone.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Whither the Individual

     Many people in recent years have become concerned about sites such as Facebook and Myspace 
and there restrictions on people's creativity and its violation of personal space. These people present 
 many good points and arguments, however, I am here to defend these sites and show how they can 
actually help show our personalities and talents while also protecting our personal space.
     Social software sites such as Facebook, Myspace and Flickr allow for various types of creativity.
Many artist and photographers  use Flickr and Facebook to show of their talents. My neighbor, who is
a professional photographer, posts his pictures on Flickr to business purposes and his photos on
Facebook for personal purposes. On Flickr, he is able to show potential clients his work that he has
done at previous weddings and parties. This is how social software has enables my neighbor to expand
his buisness and show off his work. On Facebook, my neighbor uses folksonomy to tag his friends and
family in his own private photos. On Facebook, he post his private photos and also his more creative
photos. Myspace is more used for aspiring musicians. On Myspace, artists post their music for others
to listen to, and it has become a great way to introduce new fans to their music. I have witnessed this
with a close friend of mine whose band continued to gain recognition after posting songs on Myspace.
After posting on Myspace, the band was signed by a manager and was able to play larger venues.
Social software enables artists to share their art with a larger audience.

     "Bubbie" the grandmother who has her own cooking show on the internet, is another example of
someone who is able to to use social software and user generated content to her advantage. Now that
she can show her cooking to people form all over the world over the computer, Bubbie she feels
rejuvinated and feels motivated again to teach other to cook. This shows how the internet can
showcase creativity and talent, not destroy it.

    Many people also worry about our privacy on the internet, especially sites such as Facebook giving
away our information. Giving away this information actually might be more helpful to us than it is
hurtful. Facebook gives away information to advertisers about things such as the music we like, where
we shop, and other things we like. Facebook does not give away information such as social security
numbers or our past records. This is the information to us that we hold as important.

     This is the page that most people see daily. This page however does not change who we are as
individuals. I believe that most people do not change who they are when they are looking at a
Facebook screen. Facebook is able to give an accurate enough picture of who someone truely is
through pictures, information, and pages. Unlike Myspace, it is easy to tell if someone has created a
fake profile or fake name. Facebook has become safer through the years with its more advanced
protection and privacy settings.     

     The fear of social software destroying our creativity is a threat that we can ignore. Social software
enables us to express our creativity and talent to more people than we ever could before.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Social Media and Web 2.0

1.     In my opinion user-generated content will continue to get better over time instead of professional production values dropping. This is because the technology we are creating continues to get better over time. The cameras that we can now use have the ability to shoot in HD. Cameras like these are now available to the market. The gap between amateur production and professional production is closing because the technology in amateur's hands have grown.

2.     The social media site that I use the most is Facebook. In the past few years Facebook's popularity has out grown Myspace's popularity by a large amount for many reasons. One reason is that Facebook has the option of being more private. Facebook is also more interactive between friends. We have the ability to write on others walls and look at each others pictures. Even with Facebook's huge popularity I am not totally convinced that it is here to stay. As time goes on, something new and more unique could come along and take people away from Facebook. I believe this because of my past experiences on the internet. Seven years ago, i did not believe that anything could replace AOL, and four years ago, I did not imagine a world here I would not use AIM. The disappearance of these two things makes me believe that anything on the internet could become popular and then be replaced.

3.     Transparency is a very important to individuals who use the social media world regularly. How we show ourselves on the internet is how we would like others to see us. We are able to create whatever image we want for ourselves online. Sometimes, however, we do not show our true self on social media websites.We often build a certain image on social media websites. I believe that it is important to show our true selves both on and offline, because it shows who we really are. It is more important offline because we have more of an impact on others in person.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

McLuhan Photoshop Final Post

     With this image I was trying to show the newer and now more popular form of entertainment as compared to the older form of entertainment. Today, YouTube has become a popular form of entertainment. People now walk around talking about the newest and most popular YouTube clip on the internet instead of the newest movie they have seen. Entertainment is now right in front of us on our computers and does not cost any money. The video camera is there to show that we can now make our own movies and become famous, by just taping ourselves and posting in on the internet. YouTube celebrities are becoming more and more famous, and are slowing gaining the popularity of movie stars. YouTube has brought a new form of entertainment and is now making other famous.


Monday, February 7, 2011

Mediums in the World Today

The mediums that we are using in our lives today are all around us. We use them daily, and in the past decade especially, they have become a big part of our lives and our culture. Here are a few examples of mediums:

Medium: Twitter

Content: Twitter enables users to follow their family, friends, and favorite celebrities constantly. Users can send a message through their phone over from over the Internet, and sends the message to all of their followers. The followers can receive the message on their phone or computer. Twitter allows people to send their message to a large amount of people in a matter of seconds. The most followed person on twitter is Lady Gaga.

Medium: Flickr

Content: Flickr is a website that allows people to share photos to people over the Internet. Users of Flickr can crop, alter, and change their photos. Flickr has become especially popular amongst aspiring artist and photographers. Flickr is quickly become the most popular way to share photos with others.

Medium: YouTube

Content: YouTube is a website where users can post videos. Due to YouTube's growth and popularity, some users have become celebrities due to their video's. Entire television shows have been dedicated to showing the latest and funniest YouTube videos. Users ans viewers have the ability to comment on any video posted.