Wednesday, April 27, 2011


     Catfish is a documentary that shows the dangers and problems that occur when we start new relationships over the internet. Nev's relationship with his pen-pal, Megan, shows us how we do not truly know who we are talking to until we meet them in person.
     Catfish proves the argument that we have been discussing the whole year, we cannot truly trust the people and information we see on the internet. Nev discovers that Megan, the woman he thought he was having a relationship with, is not real. She was created by Angela. Nev also finds out the the little girl Abby is also not who he thinks she is. Abby is a real girl, however she is not the artist that Angela made her out to be. Angela created the fake world and  sold it to Nev. Through creative computer work and art, Angela was able to convince Nev of this fake world.
     The movie Catfish shows how anything can be created over the internet. The internet allows us to create, change, and alter pictures. Angela does what many people now do on the internet, hide behind the computer. People are able to hide their true identities behind the computer. There is no way of truly knowing the other person until we see them in person.
     The movie also shows a problem that has occurred frequently on the internet. People stealing other peoples work. Angela takes the music of another artist and attempts to pass it off as the work of Megan. Although Nev catches on to this, many other people might not. Many sites allow for information and videos to be shared without the consent of the artist.
    Catfish shows how the internet can create false realities. Nev learns first hand how you cannot really know someone until you meet them in person.

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